Thursday, February 07, 2008

Project: Self Diagnostics - Eat Your Veggies

I know. I know. It's Thursday and I said I will be posting the self diagnostics assignment every Wednesday. I bet all 6 of my readers were looking forward to this all week. Lol!

So I hope the first assignment was easy enough. And I bet your friends were surprised to hear from you. A good friend of mine took it one notch higher by inviting an old friend to dinner. I heard it turned out pretty good. It's such a nice feeling to be able to reconnect with friends.

This week, in line with my goal to be super fit and healthy (i just hired a personal trainer from hell!), I invite everyone to eat veggies! Let's just start with one week of making sure that we include a side of veggies with every meal. When I tried being vegan a couple of years ago, I felt really great. Although, I might have been overly passionate about it and lost a ton of weight, it was indeed an amazing feeling. The best part of it was I was I didn't feel bloated after every meal and my bowel movement became regular. Sometimes it was twice a day. Fiber overload! And it felt awesome.

So there you go. Eat your veggies my blogger buds!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you still joining us tomorrow night for dinner in a steakhouse? there are veggies as a side dish.