Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Project: Self Diagnostics - Be On Time!

Yes. I know. It might be the ultimate challenge for some people. Yup, I sure am guilty. But for this week, I wanted to have something a little bit challenging. I urge everyone to try being on time for any schedule, appointment or even to work. It seems funny when I tell people that I get to work at 10:30am and the actual start of my work is really 10:00am. So thereby, the challenger. Be on time! Although, some of you might not need this self diagnostic challenge, as you're always on time, then your challenge will be to help someone be on time.

While on the topic of time, isn't it unfortunate that they came up with the term -- "Filipino Time." Whenever we have dinners or parties at our place, people would usually ask, "Is it 7pm Filipino Time?" And this typically means, everyone would be late. And that 7pm Filipino time could be 830pm.

So enough of being late. Enough of "Filipino Time." Let's make Filipino Time - On Time!

Naks. Parang PSA (public service announcement)!

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