Saturday, December 27, 2008
Dolphins Rock!

Genera and species: Tursiops truncatus
Collective Term: A school of dolphins
Dolphins are those tanned, fit, and beautiful people who populate the background scenes of Baywatch. While they can give the impression that they're not the brightest lights in the harbor, their sun- bleached hair belies a fierce intelligence. This misperception stems from the fact that they've chosen a life of hedonism rather than succumbing to the rat race of their land-bound cousins.
Dolphins are annoyingly healthy; eating and drinking with abandon and never becoming overweight. Undoubtedly it's their active lifestyles that keep them so trim, but their good genes have something to do with it too; for even though dolphins subsist n junk food, their hair is shiny and their skin always glossy.
Generally, dolphins are peaceful and gregarious individuals, almost never displaying open aggression. When accosted, they'll swim away rather than engage in negative behavior and are always on the lookout for friends to join them in recreation. They love to host elaborate parties or social events and take their fun seriously.
Dolphin were not designed for manual labor. Their bodies lack the skillful hands of the land mammal personalities, but their intelligence and social abilities give them advantages in people-oriented careers.
Dolphins are a decidedly lusty lot and never consider the consequences of their behavior before plunging into relationships. Their high level of self-esteem gives them confidence that things will turn out well -- and they usually do . . . for the dolphin that is. For it's usually the dolphin that brings a relationship to its end, for the same reason every time: there's simply too many fish in the sea. No hard feelings of course, it's just time to move on to sample more of life's delicious bouquet.
Saying no to a sexual invitation would simply never occur to a dolphin. It's not that they're indiscriminate or anything, but they have a deep respect for chutzpah and wouldn't want to snub anyone with the gumption to put him or herself on the line.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Love Freakin Love

According to relationship experts at Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh, romantic comedies give people unrealistic ideas about love and sex, and cause them to "fail to communicate with their partner." Here's more:
- Psychologists at the family and personal relationships laboratory at the university studied 40 top box office hits between 1995 and 2005, and identified common themes which they believed were unrealistic.
- The university's Dr Bjarne Holmes said: "Marriage counselors often see couples who believe that sex should always be perfect, and if someone is meant to be with you then they will know what you want without you needing to communicate it. We now have some emerging evidence that suggests popular media play a role in perpetuating these ideas in people's minds. The problem is that while most of us know that the idea of a perfect relationship is unrealistic, some of us are still more influenced by media portrayals than we realize."
Do you think this is true? Is real-life romance a big ol' letdown? Sure, lots of people like the idea of a perfect man or "happily ever after," but does that mean we're all unable to separate fantasy from reality?
Also, have you ever had an experience that could have been right out of a romantic movie?
I rest my case.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Goodbye Pumpkin...
Last night my cat, Pumpkin died. She flew with my very good friend and a fellow cat lover to Los Angeles last week and she was adjusting to life in sunny California very well. But last night, an unfortunate accident happened. She got stuck under a lazy boy and got strangled. She was rushed to the emergency room by my friend, the doctor administered CPR but it was too late. They found no signs of broken bones or even blood. So I am hoping that she didn't suffer too long.
She will be cremated today and her ashes will be with me by the time I get to Los Angeles. I am deeply saddened that I won't be able to see her anymore. She went through a lot when I rescued her 2 years ago. But I would like to believe that I gave her a happy home. She was surrounded by my friends who truly adored her as well. She is an awesome cat, with a very unique personality. Her trademark purring sound will surely be missed.
Goodbye Pumpkin. I am sure she is now in cat heaven where she can jump to high places and do all the bird watching that she wants!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Yes to Chicken Rights!
-Colorado defeated a measure to define life as beginning at fertilization
-South Dakota struck down a nearly comprehensive abortion ban
-Missouri approved a clean energy measure
-Washington approved physician-assisted suicide
-Michigan not only legalized medical marijuana, but loosened restrictions on stem-cell research
-California approved a gay marriage ban?
But hey, at least y'all voted to ban chickens from being kept in cramped cages.
So let me get this straight...chicken rights? Yes. GLBT rights? No?
I am an unwavering supporter of animal rights, but come on, this is ridiculous and unacceptable. I'm at a loss to see how the same electorate could approve both of these measures on the same ballot.
I am not familiar with the detailed politics of the Prop 8 struggle, but I want to learn what happened here because this has to be undone. Prop 8 is a black mark on my experience of this election. As much as I am elated today, I am equally saddened by the news coming from California.
-Colorado defeated a measure to define life as beginning at fertilization
-South Dakota struck down a nearly comprehensive abortion ban
-Missouri approved a clean energy measure
-Washington approved physician-assisted suicide
-Michigan not only legalized medical marijuana, but loosened restrictions on stem-cell research
-California approved a gay marriage ban?
But hey, at least y'all voted to ban chickens from being kept in cramped cages.
So let me get this straight...chicken rights? Yes. GLBT rights? No?
I am an unwavering supporter of animal rights, but come on, this is ridiculous and unacceptable. I'm at a loss to see how the same electorate could approve both of these measures on the same ballot.
I am not familiar with the detailed politics of the Prop 8 struggle, but I want to learn what happened here because this has to be undone. Prop 8 is a black mark on my experience of this election. As much as I am elated today, I am equally saddened by the news coming from California.
Friday, September 26, 2008

Sucks in the City

The article just reiterated that there is an overabundance of "high quality singles" everywhere you go. Considering there is that concept of NYC being highly interactive as compared to other cities. As soon as you leave your apartment, one would walk to the subway, ride the subway and then walk to work. In that 30-45 minute journey, you would have met your soul mate! See how easy that was?!?! But no.
Also, NYC singles stay single longer as the article says. We focus more on our careers. Since we are not afraid that we would run out of awesome singles running around the city. Let's just focus on making ourselves more awesome by having an awesome apartment, awesome body and the most awesomest career!
Boom. I'm still single in the city where there are a billion other singles. So I ask, is it really a geography thing?
Thursday, September 25, 2008

Changes the Sexual Taste and Scent of the Male Body Secretion:
If you want to enhance your oral sex life and surprise your lover with a fantastic new experience, then Sweet Release masculine formula is for you! Sweet Release is a dietary supplement, when taken twice a day, will within 7 to 28 days change the scent and taste of your semen. Your semen will change from an unpleasant salty flavor to a delicious apple flavor. Sweet Release is a 100% natural herbal and totally vegetarian food supplement specifically developed for men. There is not a product like this anywhere!
Health Benefits for Men:
Our saying says it all: "Come for the sex! Stay for the Health!" We have combined health benefits into Sweet Release, giving it a unique combination nowhere else ever seen.
* Anti-bacterial properties
* Promotes lower cholesterol
* Helps the bodies immune system
* Omega 6 and Omega 3 oil balances
* Helps in the development of healthy dream states
Utilizing natural fruits like cranberry, apple, mango, blueberry, cherry and many others, we are able to create products that are beneficial to your health and 100% natural. As most people are aware of the benefits of the cranberry, it should come as no surprise that the health benefits of Sweet Release are derived using fruit powders like cranberry and others. By applying a proprietary process to fruits, we are able to make Crandextrin, the active ingredient in Sweet Release masculine formula. This process allows us to effectively harvest high concentrations of compounds from the fruit without destroying the health benefits and makes them bio available to you. The result of this process is that Sweet Release is one of the finest sensual nutritional supplements in the world.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Why do I even bother?
They say that you would find the right person for you when you least expect it. That you shouldn't go looking for love because its love that will find you. That in the most unexpected time and place you would find your special someone. Uh-huh!
They also said that they found the remains of Big Foot and it turned out to be a big hoax!
So why do I even bother to believe that someday it will happen? Why do I even bother to hope that maybe this time it will be different. Why do I even bother to imagine a future of pure bliss with someone beside me?
I am not asking for too much. I know I am not asking for something impossible. I am just asking for someone special. Of course I have certain qualities that I would want to expect from my special someone like a decent job, a good personality, great conversationalist, height and weight proportionate, clean fingernails and someone presentable. Quite simple right? I would think that those are the very basic of all the basic "requirements" that most of us would expect?
Its pathetic that some night when I can't fall asleep, my mind wanders and I try to imagine happy thoughts like being back home in the Philippines with my parents and my brother. And then I would push my wandering mind to imagining the possibilities of me being in a relationship, of happy moments together, of things we could do together. But the pathetic sad part is that the persons is always faceless. And I would just try to put the face of this stranger that I saw on the subway so that at least I could complete my dream.
Yup, dreams. I am inclined to think that those pretend scenarios would just remain dreams. Although I've always been comfortable on being single, and I've always mentioned that I am indeed ok being single, it still holds true that life will be better and happier if there's that special someone beside me to celebrate victories, to lend a shoulder to cry on, to hold onto when I'm down in the dumps or just to hang out with.
They also said that they found the remains of Big Foot and it turned out to be a big hoax!
So why do I even bother to believe that someday it will happen? Why do I even bother to hope that maybe this time it will be different. Why do I even bother to imagine a future of pure bliss with someone beside me?
I am not asking for too much. I know I am not asking for something impossible. I am just asking for someone special. Of course I have certain qualities that I would want to expect from my special someone like a decent job, a good personality, great conversationalist, height and weight proportionate, clean fingernails and someone presentable. Quite simple right? I would think that those are the very basic of all the basic "requirements" that most of us would expect?
Its pathetic that some night when I can't fall asleep, my mind wanders and I try to imagine happy thoughts like being back home in the Philippines with my parents and my brother. And then I would push my wandering mind to imagining the possibilities of me being in a relationship, of happy moments together, of things we could do together. But the pathetic sad part is that the persons is always faceless. And I would just try to put the face of this stranger that I saw on the subway so that at least I could complete my dream.
Yup, dreams. I am inclined to think that those pretend scenarios would just remain dreams. Although I've always been comfortable on being single, and I've always mentioned that I am indeed ok being single, it still holds true that life will be better and happier if there's that special someone beside me to celebrate victories, to lend a shoulder to cry on, to hold onto when I'm down in the dumps or just to hang out with.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Birthday Blues

In two days I will be turning 31. There. I've said it (or typed it). It wasn't so hard anymore, specially after the big 3-0. I wonder if it will be more difficult for the big 4-0. I'll cross that bridge when I get there. Wow, 31 huh? It seems like it was a far fetched notion that I will be getting older and older every year. That every year my age would add another year. But I guess its one of those things that are inevitable.
I went for a job interview today. I wore my new Emporio Armani suit. As I was walking on 6th Avenue here in New York City, I felt a certain surge of responsibility and respect wearing grown up clothes. Since I am currently working for a Jeans / Fashion company, I usually come in wearing casual clothes. I can virtually wear anything I want, may it be jeans, t-shirts or even shorts. But today, since I had the interview, i wore my suit. I don't know if it was because of the birthday coming up, but I felt that I needed to grow up as I am growing old. I felt the need to make some major changes in my life as I turn another year older. I felt the need to become successful in the field that I really want to thrive in. Not to say that I haven't grown up, or that I didn't make any changes in my life since my teenage years, but I still don't feel that I have been successful on any of my endeavors -- especially my career.
It sucks to grow old. I don't like birthdays anymore. During my younger years (ugh! younger years?!?!), I've always been excited to celebrate my birthday as it would constitute food, presents and chocolate cake. As I grow older, the basic components might still be there, but there's also a need to add on achievements, accomplishments, future plans, family, etc.
I don't want to grow old. I've already grown up.
Sticky Rice
I've always been proud of being Asian, more so being Filipino. I was one of the lucky few people who ventured into America with a strong hold of my Filipino origin and nationalism. Although at some points, I have driven myself to some western idiosyncrasies. I may have been drawn into the American accent, a little bit of the American lifestyle such as food, clothing, etc. But deep inside I've always felt very Asian and very Filipino.
I am also proud to say that I am attracted to my fellow Asians. As I typed the word "proud" it felt a little bit weird to be "proud" of such a normal occurrence. Apparently, its not that normal to be an Asian man and be attracted to other Asian men. After coming out in college, I began to meet other queer Asian men, whose preferences were more towards white men. What was annoying to me was that they always had to feel apologetic towards their preferences for me. One guy, who had also dated primarily white men, said in all sincerity, “Wow, that’s so cool that your first boyfriend was Filipino. That is so… revolutionary!” I remember looking at him and wondering what planet he stepped off of, and why he felt he had to justify his preferences to me. I can see where he was going — that “Loving Asian men is a revolutionary act,” especially if you’re another Asian American man who’s been taught to believe that white men are the pinnacle of desirability.
Its sad to note that more often than not, Asian men were simply seen as gold-diggers, with small dicks who are exclusively bottoms, and most importantly, who can’t be trusted. Fuck with us and we’ll take all your shit. We couldn’t speak English fluently, nor be fluent in American culture. The issue of Asian men being submissive was such a derogatory remark for me.
As I was having a discussion with a good friend of mine regarding this topic, we vowed to never consider changing who we are just to be in a relationship. We realized that speaking for ourselves, most men who has this negative notion of the stereotypical asian, are intimidated by us. Asian men who are highly intellectual, having a successful career, independent, good looking and in some ways - Americanized.
As I try to remember the main point of this blog, which was an outlet to pour out my emotions as I look for love in this ever so complicated world, it seems like there are more and more aspects of the search that needs to be considered. Living the homosexual lifestyle is difficult in itself, add in the issue of race, religion, sexual preference, etc., then it becomes a tangled web of complications. I wonder if I would ever find true love again.
I am also proud to say that I am attracted to my fellow Asians. As I typed the word "proud" it felt a little bit weird to be "proud" of such a normal occurrence. Apparently, its not that normal to be an Asian man and be attracted to other Asian men. After coming out in college, I began to meet other queer Asian men, whose preferences were more towards white men. What was annoying to me was that they always had to feel apologetic towards their preferences for me. One guy, who had also dated primarily white men, said in all sincerity, “Wow, that’s so cool that your first boyfriend was Filipino. That is so… revolutionary!” I remember looking at him and wondering what planet he stepped off of, and why he felt he had to justify his preferences to me. I can see where he was going — that “Loving Asian men is a revolutionary act,” especially if you’re another Asian American man who’s been taught to believe that white men are the pinnacle of desirability.
Its sad to note that more often than not, Asian men were simply seen as gold-diggers, with small dicks who are exclusively bottoms, and most importantly, who can’t be trusted. Fuck with us and we’ll take all your shit. We couldn’t speak English fluently, nor be fluent in American culture. The issue of Asian men being submissive was such a derogatory remark for me.
As I was having a discussion with a good friend of mine regarding this topic, we vowed to never consider changing who we are just to be in a relationship. We realized that speaking for ourselves, most men who has this negative notion of the stereotypical asian, are intimidated by us. Asian men who are highly intellectual, having a successful career, independent, good looking and in some ways - Americanized.
As I try to remember the main point of this blog, which was an outlet to pour out my emotions as I look for love in this ever so complicated world, it seems like there are more and more aspects of the search that needs to be considered. Living the homosexual lifestyle is difficult in itself, add in the issue of race, religion, sexual preference, etc., then it becomes a tangled web of complications. I wonder if I would ever find true love again.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Vintage Clothes!!!
Yey Birthday...But why am i not excited?

As the years passed by, I realized that it gets harder and harder for me to be happy. I normally can be amused by the tiniest things and sometimes really absurd events. I am not sure if its because I am getting older and that I have experienced a lot more emotions than when I was a kid. Pain. Hurt. Sorrow. Love. Failure. Success. Or have i turned cynical and accuse the universe of conspiring with the elements to make it more difficult for me to be happy. I don't know.
I am turning 31 this September 12. According to my friends, it is my last calendar year. Next year, my age can't be found in the calendar anymore. I am officially old. Although I don't feel old. Some would say, I don't look old. I still get carded whenever I go to clubs or bars! Thanks to my parents for that (oh and a tons of moisturizing products from Kiehls!) It's hard not to think of what has happened in those 31 years of existence. Then I realize that it was mostly and generally a good 31 years of my life. I should be happy.
I will. I promise.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Cool Site

DialAHuman is a website with an extensive database of phone numbers and button combos that give you, yes, living breathing humans, so you can bypass that creepy fake voice telling you to press numbers for lord knows what.
Quotable Quotes
We write because we believe the human spirit cannot be tamed and should not be trained.
~ Nikki Giovanni, Grammy-nominated American poet, activist and author
~ Nikki Giovanni, Grammy-nominated American poet, activist and author
Monday, August 25, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
I just got $100 richer!
Last night, a friend of mine told me about this drag queen show at Therapy, one of the gay bars here in New York dubbed as "So You Think You Can Go-Go?" He was raving about the show and since I had nothing to do last night, I happily accepted his invite.
To cut the long story short, I am adding to the list above. I can now say that I won a Go-Go Dancing competition. LOL! Luckily, there were no videos to commemorate this event. I got a free drink, a free hat and $100 smackin dollars! Yey!
Paolo and NN

I met NN through Alex. She's the kind of person that you either easily fall in love with or just absolutely detest. She's very talkative, she can be very loud and she speaks her mind without hesitation. On the other hand, she has the heart of an angel that would love and care for a friend in the most unconditional way possible. I also love that she can be the most vulnerable person in the universe at one point and be Wonder Woman (plus size) in a split second.

Thereby, two absolutely different people, with the utmost opposite characteristics, joined together to form the inevitable perfect match.
I would like to share my letter to them:
Dear Paolo and NN,Here is their wedding video, and I was informed that this was an on-site video, which means it was shot during the wedding and was put together just in time to be shown at the reception! Awesome job! I promise, I didn't cry!
Congratulations! I have yet to see the photos and watch the videos, but from what I heard, the ceremony was perfect, the groom was dashing and the bride, not just blushing but also glowing! Although, even without the photos and the videos, I know these are all true. In my mind, I have imagined the two of you getting married, saying your vows and of course gorging on your cake! LOL! I'm sure it was perfect!
I am sorry that I missed everything, as I couldn't fly back to the Philippines just yet. As the both of your might've been asking why I haven't been a willing participant in the preparations and even the video montage from friends who couldn't make it, I am sorry for that. It's just that it hurts to know that I won't be able to witness the wedding of two very good friends of mine. I remember during our Starbucks rendezvous in Greenhills, where we talk about wedding plans and crazy stunts we would pull off. It would've been great to be there and be part of such a great event.
What's even more surprising is NN actually got married! And to Paolo! LOL! Like what I said before, you guys couldn't be more perfect for each other. The phrase "you complete each other" seems awfully true for you guys. Paolo, as ever mister polite, gentleman, soft spoken, God-fearing, all together nice guy! And NN, well, NN is just the way she is! LOL!
Congratulations once again and I wish the both of you all the love in the world! I can't wait for a little Pao or Little NN!
I love you guys!
- Francis
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Where's My Cellphone?
If you ever misplace your phone and don't have a friend nearby to give it a ring, a site called Where's My Cell Phone will call your phone so you can actually hear it hiding under that pillow. I guess you could even use it if you lose your phone and don't have a landline to ring your phone, although fingers crossed someone picks it up and answers it! Keep in mind, this site won't work its magic if your phone is on silent or vibrate!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Spring Awakening
Thanks to NYC visitors, I am sometimes forced to do tourist activities. And one of them is watching broadway shows. Boy, I was glad to have been forced to watch Spring Awakening. Man! It was an awesome experience! It is highly recommended!
I dedicate this post to COLDMAN!
A good friend of mine from the Philippines visited NYC recently. As we were going around the city, one of our main stops was in Central Park. As I was admiring the beauty of the park, I didn't know that he took my picture. When he sent this to me, I just remembered one of the few bloggers that became my friend. All of his shots are like this. LOL. I know it won't make sense to anyone, but I know it would for him. So there... to Coldman!
Krispy Kreme Cheeseburgers Anyone?
De La Salle University Alumni Association

Wait. Stop. I sound like a dumb blonde. Let me start again.
It was great to finally be a part of an Alumni Association from my university. As me and my friends joined them for the annual summer picnic at Central Park, it was a chance to socialize and enjoy the wonderful summer weather.
There. That's better. Untrue and not so sincere, but better!
Barney's Warehouse Sale 2008

Friday, August 15, 2008
Twilight by Stephenie Mayer

It's been a while since I've encountered a novel that gripped me so bad that I am getting migraines from trying to read in every imaginable place in New York City. I heard about this book that would challenge JK Rowling's "Harry Potter" series. This might sound incredibly dorky, but I couldn't fathom anyone being compared to JK Rowling. So I downloaded "Twilight" by Stephenie Mayer on my new Amazon Kindle (i love the kindle!). I didn't start reading it until after a few days that I downloaded it as I was distracted by some other unimportant things like work and dates. LOL!
As I start reading the book, I just couldn't let go. To say that it was an eternal page-turner would be an understatement. It mixes the thrill of a teenage romance novel, and the modern day "Gossip Girl" like stories with the excitement and mystery of Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles. I was getting goose bumps from both the chill of the romance and the mystery of the unknown.
"Isabella Swan's move to Forks, a small, perpetually rainy town in Washington, could have been the most boring move she ever made. But once she meets the mysterious and alluring Edward Cullen, Isabella's life takes a thrilling and terrifying turn. Up until now, Edward has managed to keep his vampire identity a secret in the small community he lives in, but now nobody is safe, especially Isabella, the person Edward holds most dear. The lovers find themselves balanced precariously on the point of a knife — between desire and danger. Deeply romantic and extraordinarily suspenseful, Twilight captures the struggle between defying our instincts and satisfying our desires. This is a love story with bite."
I can't wait to see the movie and read the other novels!

Monday, August 11, 2008
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