As the years passed by, I realized that it gets harder and harder for me to be happy. I normally can be amused by the tiniest things and sometimes really absurd events. I am not sure if its because I am getting older and that I have experienced a lot more emotions than when I was a kid. Pain. Hurt. Sorrow. Love. Failure. Success. Or have i turned cynical and accuse the universe of conspiring with the elements to make it more difficult for me to be happy. I don't know.
I am turning 31 this September 12. According to my friends, it is my last calendar year. Next year, my age can't be found in the calendar anymore. I am officially old. Although I don't feel old. Some would say, I don't look old. I still get carded whenever I go to clubs or bars! Thanks to my parents for that (oh and a tons of moisturizing products from Kiehls!) It's hard not to think of what has happened in those 31 years of existence. Then I realize that it was mostly and generally a good 31 years of my life. I should be happy.
I will. I promise.
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