Monday, February 23, 2009

It is one of those nights...

Some nights one can't really help but think that it would surely be a whole lot better if there is someone special to talk to and for that someone to tell you, to promise you that its ok and everything will be better in the morning. this is one of those nights.

im not sure what triggered this feeling. but it has been happening more often now. i guess this is what everyone was saying. you'd know when you are ready. when you really want it to happen. when it is the right time. of course this is just a self analysis. a theory, a hypothesis. it could just be the bucket of popcorn i munched on at the movies tonight. or the extra large diet coke that i slurped on the entire night, or as what a wise friend who was sitting next to me tonight said, its diabetes in a bottle. well, whatever it is, i know it has been so long that i have been analyzing and re-assessing every single feeling and thought.

it might be a heartache world out there. and i have always voiced out my resentments, bitterness and jaded point of view. deep inside, there always that hope that it could, it would happen again.

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