As guests started arriving for the surprise dinner party for Alex, I was overwhelmed with excitement to see all my good friends again. I was happy to see them and they were surprised to see me there. As I noticed, most of them arrived in pairs. I guess I never really did pay close attention to that whenever I hear news about one of our friends being in a relationship. But there it was, they were coming in pairs. It was like Noah's Ark without the forthcoming storm. Or maybe the storm was indeed brewing inside me.

To start with, I rode with Sal & Todd. Then there was Jun & Philip. Of course there was Alex & Joel. I sat beside Cliburn & Ryan. Then Eric & Jason was there too. I couldn't miss RD & Phil. Then the straight couples arrived, Jenny & Chris, Pauline & Joe. And finally, Marvin was on his way to NY the coming weekend to meet with Peter.
So I was sitting there, taking note of everything that has happened. Don't get me wrong, I had a great time. But there's this tiny bit of awkwardness to be in a group of couples. After the party, Jun & Philip and Alex & Joel was inviting everyone to go the Abbey for an after party. I declined. I just couldn't help it. I know I would just be bummed out if ever I forced myself to join them.
So I began going through the rolodex in my head of those people that I dated. Which one of them are still possible candidates for a relationship? Who should I call here in Los Angeles? Who should I start seeing again in New York. And I realized that I was being desperately pathetic. I am becoming the person I hated most. I am becoming that kind of person who enters a relationship just for the main reason of having a relationship. And that is the thing that I am trying to avoid all these years.
In the end, I felt happy that most of my friends in Los Angeles found Love. Its true what they say that true love is hard to come by these days. And if my friends were struck by this thunderous feeling called Love, then by all means, I will be the first to shake their hands and wish them all the best!
Its been almost 4 years since I was in a relationship. And I know I could last another 4 years if the right one doesn't come along.
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